Standing Quad Stretch
I recommend two main quad stretches for athletes: the Standing Quad Stretch and the Lying Quad Stretch. Both quad stretches should both be performed for one or two sets during every stretching routine. Hold each stretch for a slow count of 20 to ensure that the muscle is being thoroughly stretched and to increase its length. Always remember to keep breathing during each stretch.
Standing Quad Stretch
– Stand tall and relax
– Keep your back straight during the stretch
– Bring your right foot up and try to touch your glutes with your heel
– Take your right hand and grab your ankle
– Slowly bring your heel as close to your glutes as possible and hold for a count of 20
– Your right knee and left knee should be as close as possible
– Return to starting position and change legs
To add a stretch for the hip flexors and quads, simply tighten your glutes. This should allow you to feel a slight stretch in that area.
Lying Quad Stretch
– Lie flat on the floor with legs and arms extended
– With your right hand, reach around and grab your right ankle
– Bring your heel as close to your glutes as possible and hold for a count of 20
– Your left arm and leg should remain extended during the stretch
– Return right leg to starting position and change legs
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