Chest Stetch
– Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent
– Hold your arms out to the side parallel with the ground and the palms of the hand facing forward
– Stretch the arms back as far as possible
– You should feel the stretch across your chest
Biceps Stretch
– Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent
– Hold your arms out to the side parallel with the ground and the palms of the hand facing forward
– Rotate the hands so the palms face to the rear
– Stretch the arms back as far as possible
– You should feel the stretch across your chest and in the biceps
Upper Back Stretch
– Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent
– Interlock your fingers and push your hands as far away from your chest as possible, allowing your upper back to relax
– You should feel the stretch between your shoulder blades
Shoulder Stretch
– Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent
– Place your right arm, parallel with the ground across the front of your chest
– Bend the left arm up and use the left forearm to ease the right arm closer to you chest
– You will feel the stretch in the shoulder
– Repeat with the other arm
Shoulder and Triceps Stretch
– Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent
– Place both hands above your head and then slide both of your hands down the middle of your spine
– You will feel the stretch in the shoulders and the triceps
Side Bends
– Stand tall, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands resting on the hips
– Bend slowly to one side, come back to the vertical position and then bend to the other side
– Do not lean forwards or backwards
Hamstring Stretch
– Sit on the ground with both legs straight out in front of you
– Bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot alongside the knee of the right leg
– Allow the left leg to lie relaxed on the ground
– Bend forward keeping the back straight
– You will feel the stretch in the hamstring of the right leg
– Repeat with the other leg
Calf Stretch
– Stand tall with one leg in front of the other, hands flat and at shoulder height against a wall.
– Ease your back leg further away from the wall, keeping it straight and press the heel firmly into the floor
– Keep your hips facing the wall and the rear leg and spine in a straight line
– You will feel the stretch in the calf of the rear leg
– Repeat with the other leg
Hip and Thigh Stretch
– Stand tall with your feet approximately two shoulder widths apart
– Turn the feet and face to the right
– Bend the right leg so that the right thigh is parallel with the ground and the right lower leg is vertical
– Gradually lower the body
– Keep your back straight and use the arms to balance
– You will feel the stretch along the front of the left thigh and along the hamstrings of the right leg
– Repeat by turning and facing to the left
Adductor Stretch
– Stand tall with your feet approximately two shoulder widths apart
– Bend the right leg and lower the body
– Keep you back straight and use the arms to balance
– You will feel the stretch in the left leg adductor
– Repeat with the left leg
Groin Stretch
– Sit with tall posture
– Ease both of your feet up towards your body and place the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to come up and out to the side
– Resting your hands on your lower legs or ankles and ease both knees towards the ground
– You will feel the stretch along the inside of your thighs and groin
Front of Trunk Stretch
– Lie face down on the floor, fully outstretched
– Bring your hands to the sides of your shoulders and ease your chest off the floor, keeping your hips firmly pressed into the ground
– You will feel the stretch in the front of the trunk
Iliotibial Band Stretch
– Sitting tall with legs stretched out in front of you
– Bend the right knee and place the right foot on the ground to the left side of the left knee
– Turn your shoulders so that you are facing to the right
– Using your left arm against your right knee to help ease you further round
– Use your right arm on the floor for support
– You will feel the stretch along the length of the spine and in the muscles around the right hip
Quadriceps Stretch
– Lie face down on the floor, resting your fore-head on your right hand
– Press your hips firmly into the floor and bring your left foot up towards your buttocks
– Take hold of the left ankle with the left hand and ease the foot closer to you buttocks
– Repeat with the right leg
– You will feel the stretch along the front of the thigh.
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