Home » ARG M: UPCN and Bolivar second semifinalists

ARG M: UPCN and Bolivar second semifinalists

by WoV

After two new matches of the Argentina Volleyball League, we got the second semifinalists.



Personal Bolivar easily have defeated River Plate in straight sets (25-21, 25-20, 25-22) and with 3-0 in series went to semifinals. 

River Plate: Diego Gutiérrez, Lucas Tell (12); Alejandro Arias Ramírez (1), Lautaro Della Chá (1); Rodrigo Villalba (5), Luis Gorosito (9), Luciano Massimino (libero), Martín Portillo, Flavio Rajczakowski (3), Gustavo Vaca Álvarez (2), Matiás Giraudo (1). Coach: Fernando Borrero.

Personal Bolívar: Demián González (1), Thomas Edgar (9); Maximiliano Gauna (8), Pablo Crer (8); Piá (10), Todor Aleksiev (8), Alexis González (libero), Leonardo Patti, Pablo Kukartsev (1), Maximiliano Chirivino. Coach: Javier Weber.

On the other side San Juan UPCN Voley outplayed Obras UDAP Voley 3-2 although opponents led 2-0 in sets  (19-25, 23-25, 25-16, 25-21, 15-13). 
The top scorer of the Obras was Jonadabe Carneiro with 25 points; while for UPCN Nikolay Uchikov with 20 points.

Obras UDAP Voley: Matías Sánchez (2), Jonadabe Carneiro (25); Junior (13), Liam Arreche (9); Estevan Cabrera (14), Bruno Lima (21), Santiago Danani (libero), Ramiro Nielson (1), Gonzalo Quiroga, Nicolás Sánchez. Coach: Rodolfo Sánchez. 

UPCN Juan Vóley: Sebastián Brajkovic, Nikolay Uchikov (20); Martín Ramos (16), Gustavao (10); Javier Filardi (17), Nicolás Lazo (13), Sebastián Garrocq (libero), Mariano Vildosola (1), Martín Kindgard. Coach: Fabián Armoa.


1st vs 4th: Personal Bolivar – Lomas Voley 

2nd vs 3rd: Ciudad Voley – UPCN Voley 


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