Home » BRA W: Brazilian star Sheilla on the cover of the VIP magazine

BRA W: Brazilian star Sheilla on the cover of the VIP magazine

by WoV
source: esporte.uol.com.br

After the success of Mari Paraíba in Playboy, another volleyball player decided to show her sensual side. The UOL Esporte found out that the opposite Sheilla, twice Olympic champion with Brazilian national team, will be on the cover of the VIP magazine – October edition. The edition will be released on September 28.



The player has signed a contract with the publishing agency and has even made the photos. The production was in Sao Paulo.

Two gold medals won by Sheilla (she was the Olympic champion in Beijing 2008 and London 2012) helped set the scene for the shooting.

VIP has been trying to have an athlete on the cover for a while. Considered as one of the most beautiful Brazilian players, Sheilla was chosen. Negotiations began immediately.

Before accepting the offer, Sheilla consulted with her family. She then gave the “ok” to the magazine.

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