Home » POL M: Daniel Plinski – I have confidence in Skra

POL M: Daniel Plinski – I have confidence in Skra

by WoV
source: plusliga.pl

Daniel Plinski gave an interview and spoke about PGE Skra Belchatow, Jastrzebski Wegiel Plus League, Champions League, Bartosz Kurek, Michal Lasko, Zbigniew Bartman.


Daniel Plinski

– “We have a different style than last year, and we are not as successful yet, but we can play the best volleyball in the history of the club.

– You have three defeats against the top teams?

– “Losing always hurts. But all these teams are strong, and like us, they want to fight for the Polish championship. When it comes to Skra, I’m calm. Our goal still is to fight for the gold medal, and we will.

Seventh place in the table is not disturbing?

No. A year ago, after three rounds we had fewer points than today. Things turned out differently, it’s hard. The second set was decisive in the match against Jastrzebski. We made a lot of mistakes. We won the set, but they were able to get back.

You play in the Champions League with Dinamo Moscow.

Meetings with Dinamo decide the layout of the table in Group E, but we must count on the other two teams. We are fighting for first place in the group, this is our goal.

You will play against Bartosz Kurek?

– “For now, Dinamo has proven that without the two biggest stars is able to win. It is not known whether Bartosz has time to heal for a meeting with us. We know him very well, volleyball player who has a lot of energy, he can help any team to pick it up.”

What about Michal Lasko, you used strong words?

– “When it comes to Michal Lasko, I commented his statement. He came here as a foreigner who does not know the reality of the league, and he said that he came to dodge Skra. There was a little lack of humility in that statement. I didn’t attack him personally, I do not have and never had the slightest reason.

How is your relationship with Bartman?

– “Not all players are in love – it’s probably normal. I’d be lying if I said that I love Zbigniews, but that’s all in the subject.

What do you think of Bartman as a player?

– “There is no doubt that the boy has made good progress and his game really impressive. He already confirmed that we can count on him. I never said that it is a weak player, quite the contrary. I found just that at the moment, Grozer was a better attacker.

You weren’t called to the national team, despite your great season?

– “Takes two to tango. Coach spoke in interviews that those players who are playing well during the season, will find their place in the national team. In the last season, I was good, but I did not get the call. For me, this subject is closed, I do not think about it.

For more interviews click here.

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