FIVB Executive Committee
“It`s a pleasure for me receive everybody in my house with my family,” President Graça said. “Let us think and dream together, about Volleyball. Our image is essential. We have to invest internally – we must use corporate governance methods in order to work honestly with transparency. We also have to invest externally – development of an image for the public, the spectators, the sponsors, the governments, the families and communities, which consume sport. We must continually build up our image in the best way possible. Carefully and continuously work on our image, as a flower, which, as a thing of beauty, needs the best treatment. Governments can often be our best partners. They can understand technically our projects and investments” he added.
“For Volleyball’s vigor, we need and must invest in managers. Managers are those fellows who consolidate and integrate the production in five points: raw material, capital, human resources, entrepreneurial talent and time. Each country must find out a way to attract, train and motivate the best Volleyball managers it can through its national federation. And for national federations the manager is the core of Volleyball’s strategy for growth and expansion. Managers are a very scarce, rare commodity, so the FIVB can offer training courses, seminars and meetings through the corporate universities. We must also invest in athletes since their earliest part of their lives, with good schools gymnasiums, sports facilities, clubs and any place were Volleyball is levied and people meet and talk. Pro-activity is everything. My last message is: Volleyball is a fantastic sport, but it needs your proactive energy to increase, expand and exist”.
Key items of the meeting agenda include the President’s 100 day report, presentation of proposals from the Finance Commission, Sports Events Council, World League Council, World Grand Prix Council and Beach Volleyball World Tour Council.
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