Home » Official volleyball rules PART 13: Playing format – default and incomplete team

Official volleyball rules PART 13: Playing format – default and incomplete team

by WoV
source: fivb.org

What happens when the team is incomplete?

incomplete team

incomplete team


6.4.1 If a team refuses to play after being summoned to do so, it is declaredin default and forfeits the match with the result 0-3 for the match and0-25 for each set.

6.4.2 A team that, without justifiable reason, does not appear on the playingcourt on time is declared in default with the same result as in Rule 6.4.1.

6.4.3 A team that is declared INCOMPLETE for the set or for the match, losesthe set or the match. The opponent team is given the points, or thepoints and the sets, needed to win the set or the match. The incompleteteam keeps its points and sets.

PREVIOUS, PART 12: Playing format – to score a set ande match

NEXT, PART 14: Structure of play – the toss and warm-up session


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