Home » ARG M: Drama in Formosa, Gigantes won tiebreaker, García excluded

ARG M: Drama in Formosa, Gigantes won tiebreaker, García excluded

by WoV
source: aclav.com; Photo: aclav.com

In a tough match in a good atmosphere at the Cincuentenario hall, Gigantes del Sur defeated, as guests, La Unión de Formosa in a tiebreaker – 3-2 (21-25, 23-25, 28-26, 29-27, 15-11).

La Unión - Gigantes

La Unión – Gigantes

After the first technical timeout of the first set, powerful attacks from Ezequiel Palacios allowed La Unión to make the five point gap (13-8) and they maintained the difference on the scoreboard until the end of the first set 25-21.

Gigantes started the second set better. They seemed to have found the right path by adjusting the attack and defense which allowed them to reach the first and second technical time in front (8-5 and 16-13), but the La Unión, supported by the public kept the second set in their hands – 25-23.

La Unión had a great start of the third set to reach the maximum point difference of 5-1. Still, their superiority could not be maintained, Gigantes rose up to 6-5. From then on, it was point to point. With 23-21 for locals and fans were encouraged to celebrate the win, but Gigantes got a great reaction and by blocking they came at 28-26 which allowed them to play a fourth set.

Another chapter began in Formosa and locals wanted to close the night while visitors intended to maximize the suspense until the tie break. It was pure drama and fought for every ball. Thus, the home team was found in front in both technical timeouts (8-6 and 16-11). Despite the difference, supporters knew it was not over. Nervousness on the court and on the stands led to the expulsion of Gigantes’s Guillermo García. The fourth set was closed by a 29-27 for the visitors.

In the tie break, visitors created an advantage of two points (8-6). It was extended until the end of the set for the final 15-11.

Rodrigo Aschemacher (21) and  Rodrigo Villalba (20) were the best scorers in Gigantes, while in La Unión, those were Gustavo Vaca Álvarez (26) and Ivan Postemsky (16).


Game Date/Time Teams Set Result per set Stats Videos
  16. 11. 2014 21:30 La Unión de Formosa vs Gigantes del Sur 2:3 25:21; 25:23; 26:28; 27:29; 11:15    
  17. 11. 2014 20:30 UNTREF Voley vs Obras Pocito de San Juan 0:0      
  17. 11. 2014 21:00 Personal Bolivar vs Boca Río Uruguay Seguros 0:0      
  17. 11. 2014 21:00 Pilar Volley vs Ciudad Vóley 0:0      
  17. 11. 2014 22:00 Lomas Vóley vs UPCN San Juan Voley 0:0      


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