Home » AZE W: Croatian receiver and Slovakian middle-blocker joined Lokomotiv

AZE W: Croatian receiver and Slovakian middle-blocker joined Lokomotiv

by WoV
source: vclokomotiv.com; Photo: vclokomotiv.com

Lokomotiv is not stopping with transfers. Two more reinforcements arrived in Baku.




Jaroslava Pencova and Hana Čutura are new members of Lokomotiv Baku! Azerbaijani powerhouse announced these transfers on the club’s official website and added that both players signed one-year deals.  

Pencova plays as a middle blocker and she comes from Dresdner where she spent last two years. On the other side, Čutura is a receiver and she played in Impel Wroclaw in the last season. 


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Chico August 4, 2015 - 11:44 am

Teams from Azerbaijan are joke, really intresting how they decide to sign players. If they pass groupe phase of CL it will be mirakle.


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