Home » WGCHC W: Fabiana Claudino MVP

WGCHC W: Fabiana Claudino MVP

by WoV
source: fivb.org; Photo: fivb.org

Brazil’s Fabiana Claudino was named the Most Valuable Player of the 2013 FIVB Women’s Grand Champions Cup won by the South American monarchs on Sunday.

Fabiana Claudino

Fabiana Claudino

The All-Star Team of the competition was announced at the start of the award ceremony presided over by Dr. Ary S. Graça, FIVB President and Dr. Yuichiro Hamu, President of Japan Volleyball Association.

“I am very happy about winning the Most Valuable Player, an award granted by my teammates who helped me to do my job,” Fabiana said during the press conference held after the ceremony.

“This is a great team and I’m really happy about what we achieved,” the Brazilian captain added. “It wasn’t an easy tournament and I got the MVP award because of my team. All the players gave me this.”

Japan sent three players to the All-Star Team of the competition based on the statistics while Thailand had two.

The Japanese players were the first receiver Saori Sakoda, the setter Hitomi Nakamichi and the libero Arisa Sato.

The two Thais in the ideal squad were Onuma Sittirak as second receiver and Pleumjit Thinkaow as the second middle-blocker.

Gina Mambru of Dominican Republic was the best opposite and Russia’s Iuliia Morozova was the first middle-blocker.

To read more news from this competition click on World Grand Champions Cup 2013 W. 

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