Famous player has became mother recently, and since then everybody has been expecting her return. However, there might be no return at all!
This is the situation – by the latest player’s ranking in Brazil, Jaqueline is among the top players with 7 points. But, as both major clubs from So Paulo (Sesi and Osasco) already have limit of two players with 7 points in the team, Jaqueline would have to go somewhere else… But she clearly stated that there is no way of leaving her family.
“My situation is very delicate. I don’t want to leave volleyball, but my family will always be the most important thing in my life. It is difficult to watch games without being able to play. We will see what will happen in future. If I return one day, that will most certainly be one of the happiest days in my life” said Brazilian player.
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OMG! Nooooo! She is the most beautiful player in Brazil!
Não ira acontecer. Uma das melhores atletas que ja vi jogar. Ela tem a opção do Campinas, espero que ela volte logo.
Campinas já tem Natalia e Tandara com 7 pontos. A não ser que Tandaria deixe Campinas e vá para o Unilever, como deseja Bernardinho. Campinas has already Natalia and Tandaria with 7 points. UnlessTandara leave Campinas and go to Unilever, as Bernardinho want.