Home » Murilo – „Jaqueline will play in Brazil and nowhere else“

Murilo – „Jaqueline will play in Brazil and nowhere else“

by WoV
source: globoesporte.globo.com; Photo: patrocinio.net.br

Murilo decided to say something in public about the problem with his wife Jaqueline. To see his beloved unemployed has stroke him seriously.



Jaqueline is twice Olympic champion and she is used on a salary considered as high by the standards of the Brazilian volleyball, something that the great majority of the 13 clubs registered in women’s Superliga, which begins on November 7, can not afford.

Jaque was proposed to play in Japan and Europe, but the family decided not to separate at least until their 9 month old son Arthur grows.

„There is nothing else for us to do, but waiting. Leaving Brazil is out of the question. This is our decision and we will bear the consequences. We do not want Arthur out of Brazil or Jaque away from Arthur for so long. It would hit us in the chest. If she can’t not play in Brazil, she will stay at home. Thank God I can keep the family calm with just me working. I have a great contract with Sesi-SP. Jaque has already some years of volleyball as well. But let’s wait, there is still hope for her to get a club to play in. There are teams that still fit to Jaque, but they need to have interest.“Murilo said.


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Axe October 22, 2014 - 7:51 pm

Think about your problems. Who cares if your wifeeee doesn’t have a club. Many players don’t have a club. Are you her PR? Or even ‘famous husband’ wants to pull his connections???

sole October 22, 2014 - 9:08 pm

Agree!. who do she think she are?

Marianne October 22, 2014 - 11:32 pm

They just want publicity and nothing else?! Immagine Beckham asking somebody for his wife Victoria? Not the same;) but…

dee jae October 24, 2014 - 5:25 am

i feel bad for jaque, if the clubs can’t afford her standards need to negotiate, and even you are a superstar sometimes don’t think about money think of the passion of the game and if you really want it. thats it don’t think about money.


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