Home » FRA W: St. Raphael started creating team for CEV Champions League…

FRA W: St. Raphael started creating team for CEV Champions League…

by WoV
source: lnv.fr; Photo: lnv.fr

The idea is to keep as many players as they can from the champions crew...

St. Raphael

St. Raphael


St. Raphael’s story was perhaps the most amazing of all in 2015/16 season. This club has managed to end the reign of mighty RC Cannes and to seize its first ever national title in France. By winning the championship crown, St. Raphael have also secured their place in the CEV Champions League, so now it is time to start forming the team that will play in the elite European competition.

The idea of the club management is to keep as many players as they can from the previous season. Therefore, St. Raphael have already extended contracts with Irene GomieroLiesbet VindevoghelAmandine Giardino and Michaela Abrhámová, while they are currently negotiating with Anna Kajalina. Also, Veronica Angeloni is coming back from an injury, so she will be a significant reinforcement for the upcoming season.

Finally, the first major change in the team will occur at the position of setter. Tanja Grbić will leave the club, while the management is looking for her replacement. 

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