Home » FRA M: Sète sign with Brazilian blocker and Dutch receiver

FRA M: Sète sign with Brazilian blocker and Dutch receiver

by WoV
source: lnv.fr; Photo: voleibrasilkirin.com.br

French vice champions Arago de Sète V.B. acquired middle blocker, two receivers and libero in recent days.



Probably the most prominent reinforcement for the season 2016/2017, not only in Sète but in the French Championship as well, is Brazilian middle blocker Luiz Sene ’Luizinho’. He came from Brazil’s runners up Vôlei Brasil Kirin/Campinas.

Besides Luizinho, Sète signed with the Dutch and domestic receiver, both coming from French rivals. Ewoud Gommans was brought from AS Cannes Volley-Ball while prospect Axel Truhtchev arrived from ASUL Lyon Volley. Also, Steve Peironet, a libero from Motpellier Volley U.C, became their new reinforcement.

So far, Sète was left without Thibault Rossard (Resovia, Poland), Patrick Duflos, Fabien Dugrip, Nicolas Rossard (Toulouse), Gauthier Bonnefoy (Montpellier), Franck Lafitte (Paris).


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