Home » ITA M: Halkbank ANKARA’s great offer to Itas Diatec Trentino

ITA M: Halkbank ANKARA’s great offer to Itas Diatec Trentino

by WoV
source: volleyball.it; Photo: upload.wikimedia.org

There were many rumors associated with Halbank ANKARA and their activities on the volleyball market in the recent days. Among others the following players were rumored to join the club, Vissoto, Veres, Wijsmans, Simon, Mastrangelo... But none of them went to Turkey. The latest rumors says that Halkbank is preparing to make a great offer to Trentino for four of its star players, Raphael, Sokolov, Kaziyski and Juantorena.


Osmany Juantorena

But none of them went to Turkey. The latest rumors says that Halkbank is preparing to make a great offer to Trentino for four of its star players, Raphael, Sokolov, Kaziyski and Juantorena. All the players are under contract with the Italian champion.

Radostin Stoytchev also got an offer, and he is not under contract, but is waiting for reactions from Trentino.

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