Home » ITA M: Catch Sokolov if you can – MVP race heats up

ITA M: Catch Sokolov if you can – MVP race heats up

by WoV

As we enter the tenth round of the Serie A, some players have clearly separated themselves from the rest. Number of MVP awards in their profiles are saying a lot, and player who win the most at the end of the season will be considered as the Most Valuable in 2013/2014 season.



Opposites are usually on top this kind of competition and it isn’t different this time either. Two bright rising stars of the World volleyball are sitting on top of the ladder.

Tsvetan Sokolov has already five honours in nine matches! Bulgarian opposite is dominating the competition this season and showing the World why Trentino picked him to be a leader of this new team.

Just a bit less impressive was Aleksandar Atanasijević who collected four MVP’s. New addition to Sir Safety Perugia squad brought power, energy and quality to his new team and is leading them to their best season in the history of the team.

Behind the leading duo there are Mitja Gašparini, Michele Baranowicz and Robertlandy Simon. All of those three players are in amazing shape with three titles of MVP with Simon maybe deserving one more.

Who will end up on top? Who will walk away when it is all set and done? We will see, but one thing is certain, it is going to be an amazing race.

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