Home » ITA W: Paola Egonu joins Vakifbank next season

ITA W: Paola Egonu joins Vakifbank next season

by WoV
source: gazzetta.it

The media in Italy are coming with big news just before the start of the Italian Cup Final Four scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday in Rome.

Conegliano, the team of records (76 consecutive victories), will lose Paola Egonu next season.

Only the official status is missing but the Italian champion said yes to the Turkish powerhouse Vakifbank. Last year, the Serbian coach Terzic tried to sign Egonu, but the 23-year-old from Veneto declined the offer, which reached one million euros.

This year, in addition to Fenerbahce, Vakifbank have joined the race. Giovani Guidetti, a head coach of this Turkish powerhouse, is an interest that convinced Paola to consider moving to the Bosphorus with one of the strongest and most ambitious clubs in the world.

Some rumors say that Isabelle Haak will join Imoco in that case…

Recall that Vakifbank defeated Imoco in the finals of the Club World Championship.

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