Home » This happens when you make Nikola Grbić angry (VIDEO)

This happens when you make Nikola Grbić angry (VIDEO)

by WoV
source: youtube.com/milanovolley1

Nikola Grbić was famous as a cold-blooded player during his professional career, but even the calmest people can outburst...

As a coach, Serbian is facing with a different kind of challenge unlike when he was successfully playing a setter. Now he needs to control a group of guys and to adjust their characters to the team.

Grbić was furious to his players in Sir Safety Perugia in the match against Revivre Milano in Serie A1, five days ago.

He told them not to argue with the referees, never again!

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Matteo March 13, 2015 - 6:19 pm

This happened in the game away match against Skra Belchatow in the Playoff-6 of the Champions League. He was furious towards Alexandar Atanasijevic


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