Home » ITA M: Perugia to announce new libero in the next few days?

ITA M: Perugia to announce new libero in the next few days?

by WoV
source: Photo: CEV

There were a lot of rumors about Perugia signing new starting libero for the next season, while the whole saga might end during the upcoming week.



According to Gian Luca Pasini, Sir Safety Perugia will announce their new libero in the next few days! This source writes that the club will probably sign Massimo Colaci from Trentino, while that the other option is Salvatore Rosini from Modena.

Anyway, it seems that Perugia definitely decided to replace Andrea Giovi, who will therefore have to find some other team for the 2016/17 campaign. He might end up in Verona


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