Home » ITA M: Pedrini says Ngapeth should’ve awaited end of playoffs to reveal he was going to Zenit

ITA M: Pedrini says Ngapeth should’ve awaited end of playoffs to reveal he was going to Zenit

by WoV
source: modenavolley.it; Photo: gazzettadimodena.gelocal.it

Despite the fact Earvin Ngapeth stated in an interview to L’Équipe that the affection between him and Azimut Modena president Catia Pedrini is mutual, her official statement showed she did not like the moment in which the Frenchman revealed his decision to move to Zenit Kazan.

Ngapeth and Pedrini

Ngapeth and Pedrini


I hope that those who have got to know me during these years of passion for volleyball in Modena, if nothing else, must recognize the value of sincerity. I would have preferred, and I say frankly, if Earvin awaited the outcome of the playoffs before presenting his decision to the public,” Modena president commented for the club website Ngapeth’s decision to move to Zenit Kazan.

“In the court, Ngapeth has guaranteed years of emotions and victories in Modena. I am grateful to him, as I have no doubt of his gratitude towards the audience that has given him so much. In Russia, if I am allowed to predict, he will miss it!” Pedrini emphasized and added that she will analyze the problems connected with the management of Modena at the end of the season.


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