Home Latest newsItaly ITA M: Important points for league and cup

ITA M: Important points for league and cup

by WoV
source: legavolley.it

The last three games of this first half of season will not only reveal who will be the winter champion but also define the cup draw. Città di Castello travels to Molfetta this weekend as the two teams had produced some spectacular encounters last season. Read latest volleyball news on Worldofvolley.com.


Citta di Castello

Two won in regular season by Città di Castello and another two won this time by Molfetta in the playoffs semi-finals as Città di Castello was without its two foreigners.

“When they have everyone fit, not many play as good volley as Molfetta – said coach RadiciThis will be a tough game for us, but I am happy to face strong opponents because this is an important moment of the season with the last games of the first half of season and the cup coming up”.

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