Finishing the preliminary round with 2:1 mark, Brazil must wait for the result between Dominican Republic and Argentina to receive a bye to semifinals. Peru will play the quarterfinals.
Brazil stopped Peru with a big advantage in blocking 11:4 and more service points 5:2. Lorenne Geraldo for Brazil and Katherine Regalado for Peru, were only with double figures, 14 and 11 points respectively.
Brazil’s captain Lorenne Geraldo said “We were able to come back from behind in the first and second set with patience, our serves were the key of today’s victory.”
Cristina Cuba, Peru’s captain admitted that their deficiency is being less experienced “One step at a time our game is improving, this is part of a process”.
“Peru has grown, their coaches are very capable” indicated Mauricio Thomas. As for Brazil he said “We were determined to serve strong to stop Peru’s fast game which they like. We came to play as much as possible in our preparation to the World Championship, so in the end it won’t make a difference to play quarterfinals.”
Enrique Briceño of Peru insisted in what he’s been saying all along “Our goal is to prepare a new generation of players, today we were much better but with mistakes in the basics”.
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