XXXIV CEV General Assembly
CEV Vice President and Treasurer Philip Berben briefed the audience about the CEV accounts, drawing the attention of the audience to the good financial situation that the Confederation has been enjoying since a few years. Mr. Berben recalled that after moving to a few different places in the city of Luxembourg, CEV finally settled down in state-of-the-art premises, thereby providing the European Volleyball family with its real “home” and excellent working conditions. The CEV accounts for the year 2012 were discussed by the Internal Auditors, Michel Henno and Olavi Ala-Nissila, and were finally approved by the General Assembly. Mr. Berben did also discuss the amendments to the budget for the current year as well as the figures penciled in for 2014.
European Cups
ECC President Riet Ooms recapped facts and figures about the work done by the European Cups Commission. Mrs. Ooms said the Commission has been involved in a working group whose task is to re-shape the format and general concept of Europe’s elite competition, the CEV Volleyball Champions League after 13 years. Moreover, even though some countries still have to deal with the effects of the crisis, this did not impact on the number of teams that have registered for the 2014 European Cups. Mrs. Ooms also said that the procedure for the Drawing of Lots to assign teams to the prelim pools in the CEV Volleyball Champions League was simplified with the addition of an extra provision stating that teams admitted after receiving a wild-card can be drawn into a pool already starring another club from the same country. The requirements for the stadiums hosting matches of the European Cups were made more demanding with the main goal being the provision of the right environment where to play professional Volleyball so as to create a more marketable product. The Commission is working to enhance the image of the European Cups by monitoring also the work performed by the CEV Supervisors.
Legal Affairs
ELC President Aloys Fischer informed the audience that CEV had to adapt its statutes to the new constitution of the FIVB. The results of the analysis made by the ELC will be submitted for approval to the CEV General Assembly. The ELC did also check and review the statutes of the different Zonal Associations so as to draft a general version that will be the basis for all Zonal Associations. Starting from this draft, the single statutes were adapted by taking into account also the proposals and requirements of the various Zonal Associations. The next General Assembly of the various ZAs will be discussing and eventually approving this new version of their statutes.
Medical items
EMC President Prof. Dr. Manfred Holzgraefe recalled that 200 anti-doping controls were carried this year (112 in Volleyball, 88 in Beach Volleyball) while additional controls were performed out of competition in cooperation with the national anti-doping agencies, FIVB and WADA. The EMC continues to monitor and accredit doctors and physiotherapists so as to take good care of the players; the health of all international referees active in Europe was also checked and in some cases a health plan had to be adopted especially for those suffering of hypertension. To comply with the requirements set by FIVB, a medical check will be introduced also for officials. The EMC will continue its cooperation with the European Refereeing Commission to improve on the physical and psychological abilities of the referees. Finally, the CEV Board of Administration did also decide that all players will have to follow the online FIVB program “Real winner” to be educated about anti-doping and become eligible to play in European Cups as well as in the various competitions for national teams.
Sports Organizing Commission
ESOC President Pierre Mulheims recapped facts and figures of the 2013 EuroVolley before recalling that the registration for the 2015 edition got started some days ago, with the DOL set to follow on October 26 in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The first-round qualifiers for the 2014 FIVB World Championship were completed in June while the second round is about to follow next week in the Netherlands and Israel with the top three making it to the third and last round slated for early January 2014. Mr. Mulheims also recalled the good results claimed by European teams at the various age group Championships with Russia having claimed gold in both the U19 and U21 men’s division.
ERC President Dr. Jan Rek started by saying that the number of international referees in Volleyball and Beach Volleyball has steadily increased in Europe over the past ten years. However, “only” 49 out of 55 national federations have got international referees and this is something where there is still room for improvement. On the other hand, the number of female referees has literally boomed (from 25 in 2007 up to almost 70 in 2013); with Europe having expanded its portfolio of competitions this has made possible that international referees are, on average, appointed for 8 matches a year. Dr. Rek did also recall that referees are divided into four categories depending on their skills and as per this categorization they are appointed to officiate at matches of the various tournaments. 17 are included on the top level and these are the role models to look at for all European referees. Another 109 belong to level 2 and the most talented have a good chance to be promoted to the upper level in the future. The ERC did also stage a couple of seminars for Volleyball and Beach Volleyball referees in order to standardize the interpretation of the rules of the game and work on common procedures to stick to. Finally, Dr. Rek stressed that an online educational tool was used to refresh the knowledge and skills of the referees that were set to attend matches of the 2013 EuroVolley so that once they made it to the venues, their deficits and weaknesses could be discussed and dealt with.
Coaches Commission
Philippe Blain, the chairman of the “youngest” Commission in CEV, ECOC, recapped some of the proposals worked out together with his colleagues. An online community for Volleyball and Beach Volleyball coaches will be created with the help of FIVB. ECOC has been working on a proposal to standardize the certification of coaches all over Europe and to develop an international calendar that can be combined with the needs of national federations and their respective competitions.
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