Home » TRI: Vice President of TTOVF passes away

TRI: Vice President of TTOVF passes away

by WoV
source: norceca.org

Russell McKend, the second Vice President of Trinidad and Tobago Volleyball Federation and Head of its Sport Organising Committee passed away. He was a retired teacher, coach, mentor, friend and father.


Russell McKend

This gentleman has in all his various capacities touched the lives of many and especially young persons whom he came into contact with on a daily basis.

Tributes have poured in from the volleyball fraternity upon hearing the news:

Mr. McKend was a friend who gave me many advices on the direction of the sport,”

President of TTO Volleyball Federation Mushtaque Mohammed said. “He was particularly interested in the development of the youth. He was always prompt to meetings and his proposals were well presented and full of details. I will miss his voice of support.

On behalf of MVC, I offer our condolences to the family of Mr. McKend,” Jonathan Chin Lee said. “His efforts, contributions and sacrifices were invaluable to the sport of volleyball. He will be greatly missed.

 “Mr. McKend was a true pioneer in volleyball in Trinidad and Tobago, David Thomas said. “Most of all the leaders in volleyball and many clubs have been instilled with a passion for the sport.”

We have a lot be grateful to Mr. Mc Kend. His influence and ability to bring persons to the sport was unrivalled,” TTVF Executive Director Daymian Stewart said.

I’m sure he has influenced many and his legacy will sure live on for many generations to come,” Damian Harris said. “He has inspired some of the nation’s most successful volleyballers; with his simple and motivating nature, his tireless love for people and the sport, his wisdom, knowledge and discernment of qualities within his players.

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