Dream Team
Another volleyball season has come to an end, so now it is time to see who was the best in the 2015/16 journey! You will decide which players will find their place in WoV Dream Team.
Let’s start from the beginning.
You will be able to vote for the ideal team both in men’s and women’s competition. At the beginning there will be 35 players in each category (5 setters, 5 opposites, 5 libero players, 10 middle blockers and 10 outside-hitters), while after each round the players with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated.
There will be 3 rounds of voting.
Round 1 (May 18 – May 29): At the end of this round, 2 setters, 2 opposites, 2 libero players, 4 middle blockers and 4 outside-hitters with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated from the competition.
Round 2 (May 30 – June 5): Accordingly to the results of Round 1, the Round 2 will begin with 3 setters, 3 opposites, 3 libero players, 6 middle blockers and 6 outside-hitters in the Poll in each category. At the end of this round, 1 setter, 1 opposite, 1 libero player, 2 middle blockers and 2 outside-hitters with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated from the competition.
Round 3 (June 6 – June 13): This is the final week of the competition and sort of the grand finale. Accordingly to the results of Round 1 and Round 2, the final Round 3 will begin with 2 setters, 2 opposites, 2 libero players, 4 middle blockers and 4 outside-hitters in the Poll in each category. At the end of this round, 1 setter, 1 opposite, 1 libero player, 2 middle blockers and 2 outside-hitters with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated from the competition.
The players who remain in our Poll after June 13 will officially be part of WoV Dream Team 2015/16.
The Poll will officially be open on Wednesday, May 18.
See Men’s Dream Team and Women’s Dream Team for season 2014/2015.
You will be able to vote for WoV Dream Team 2015/16 on WorldofVolley homepage, then on WorldofVolley Poll page and finally on WorldofVolley Social Networks, where you will be able to give your favorite players some extra points.
There will be two posts per day connected to WoV Dream Team 2015/16 on our official @wofvolley account. To vote for your favorite player you need to leave a COMMENT on those posts, by writing a name of a player you want to vote for. Every COMMENT you leave will be worth 3 POINTS.
To vote for your WoV Dream Team 2015/16 via Twitter, you need to use hashtag #WoVDreamTeam. Simply, write a name of a player you want to vote for in your post and add hashtag #WoVDreamTeam. Every vote on Twitter is worth 3 POINTS. You can vote for maximum 7 players per one Tweet.
There will be one post per day connected to WoV Dream Team 2015/16 on our official Facebook account. Every post will be related to one specific position, while it will consist of players pictures. To vote for your favorite player, you just need to LIKE his/her picture. Every LIKE is worth 3 POINTS. Of course, every COMMENT and SHARE will also be counted as 3 POINTS!
Voting starts on Wednesday, May 18!
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Sokolov, Ngapeth , Le reux, Gianelli, Salparov, Leon, Stankovic
Viktor Yosifovvvvvvvvv !!!! Great blocker !!!!
Let me voted for zaytsev 🙂
Best setter – Toniutti
Best opposite – Kurek
Best reciever – Anderson
2nd best reciever – Leon / Ngapeth
Best middle blocker – Le roux
2nd best middle blocker – Le gouf
Best libero – Grebennikov / Zatorski
Drzyzga should not be in this competition. He was probably one of the worst setter in Plusliga. Resovia didn’t like his game. Gianelli should be on this list – not Drzyzga
where is atanasevich???
middle blocker: seyed mohammad mousavi
Kim yeon koung is the best volleyball player for me <3 <3