Poland – Germany
Poland started out strong (5:1, 10:4) and displayed some fabulous actions to dominate the scene (16:7) and did not slow the pace down up to the end of the set that was sealed by a German mistake (25-10).
The second set was much closer, especially since Poland started making some errors, so Germany went up twice (14:11, 16:14) and even though the local guys fought their way back (18 all), the final section of the set was a bit tense, with coach Nawrocki receiving first a yellow, then a red card; Germany moved up 23:20 and even though the Poles closed up to -1, still it was too late to avoid the 1:1.
Germany displayed a good pace also in the opening of set 3 anchored by the spikes killed by Nicolas Marks and the score remained tight up to the second mandatory stop (16:15). After that, Poland’s opposite Maciej Muzaj started his personal show and chiefly contributed to the final 25-20.
A very close run unfolded in set 4 up to 13 all, then Poland got control of the operations and could finally pocket the final 3:1 waiting to play the winner of the clash starring Russia and Bulgaria in the match for places 5 and 6.