Home » TOP 20 Men’s volleyball transfers in Poland (LIST)

TOP 20 Men’s volleyball transfers in Poland (LIST)

by WoV
source: Photo: wn.com

PlusLiga, one of the strongest men’s volleyball national championships in the world, will start in less than a month. Perfect time to introduce you Top 20 transfers there!




Zaksa Kędzierzyn-Koźle will try to defend the title of the Polish champions and they kept majority of the last season’s roster. Asseco Resovia Rzeszów and PGE Skra Bełchatów were very active in the transfer window in order to dethrone Zaksa while there are several teams which hired a lot of newconers as well and will be tough nuts to crack. Some of those teams are KS Espadon Szczecin and Indykpol AZS Olsztyn.

Plusliga 2016/2017 starts on October 1!

If you disagree with our decision, just comment below the article. Of course, you can add some volley transfers if you think they deserve to be in this list. We will consider your suggestion.

Before you check this list, see the top 20 men’s worldwide volleyball transfers so far this summer and top 20 female volleyball transfers.

Top 20 Men’s volleyball transfers in Poland:

1. Marko Ivović (SRB), Belogorie Belgorod/RUS – Asseco Resovia Rzeszów

2. Mateusz Bieniek, Effector Kielce – Zaksa Kędzierzyn-Koźle

3. Gavin Schmitt (CAN), Funvic/Taubaté/BRA – Asseco Resovia Rzeszów

4. Dražen Luburić (SRB), LPR Volley Piacenza/ITA – PGE Skra Bełchatów

5. Georgi Bratoev (BUL), Diatec Trentino/ITA – KS Espadon Szczecin

6. John Gordon Perrin (CAN), LPR Volley Piacenza/ITA – Asseco Resovia Rzeszów

7. Bartosz Bednorz, Indykpol AZS Olsztyn – PGE Skra Bełchatów

8. Nikolay Penchev (BUL), Asseco Resovia Rzeszów – PGE Skra Bełchatów

9. Thibault Rossard (FRA), Arago de Sète V.B./FRA – Asseco Resovia Rzeszów

10. Marco Falaschi (ITA), Lotos Trefl Gdańsk – GKS Katowice

11. Dustin Watten (USA), Nancy Volley Maxeville Jarville/FRA – Cerrad Czarni Radom

12. Danail Milushev (BUL), Revivre Milano/ITA – KS Espadon Szczecin

13. Andrzej Wrona, PGE Skra Bełchatów – AZS Politechnika Warszawska

14. Ezequiel Palacios (ARG), La Unión de Formosa/ARG – Indykpol AZS Olsztyn

15. Adam Bartoš (CZE), Tours Volley-Ball/FRA – BBTS Bielsko-Biała

16. Rafael Rodrigues de Araújo (BRA), Sesi-SP/BRA  – MKS Będzin

17. Lukas Kampa (GER), Cerrad Czarni Radom – KS Jastrzębski Węgiel

18. Hidde Boswinkel (NED), Bunge Ravenna/ITA – Indykpol AZS Olsztyn

19. Scott Touzinsky (USA), Shanghai/CHN – KS Jastrzębski Węgiel

20. Dmytro Pashytskyy (UKR), Asseco Resovia Rzeszów – Lotos Trefl Gdańsk


Top 20 transfers in men’s Italian league

Top 20 transfers in women’s Italian league

* Top 20 transfers in men’s Russian league

* Top 10 transfers in women’s Russian league


Do not miss our sections Transfers – Done Deals and Transfers – Rumours.

To stay in touch with the latest #volleytransfers visit our VolleyTransfers 2016/2017 article.


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Flipflip September 6, 2016 - 10:31 am

You’ve forgotten Thibault Rossard !
He was the MVP of French League in 2016.
He was in Rio with French Team.
He has signed in Resovia.
He is better and more spectacular than a lot of players in your ranking! 🙂

SynLerak September 6, 2016 - 10:54 am

Gert Van Walle?

ja September 6, 2016 - 3:05 pm

David Smith?

jam September 6, 2016 - 3:25 pm

David Smith? Tours->Czarni Radom.Olimpic bronze medalist

Wilk.z.lasu September 6, 2016 - 3:30 pm

Where is middle blocker, bronze medalist this Olimpic Games David Smith. He has moved to Czarni Radom

Sauron September 6, 2016 - 3:43 pm

You should write something about Nathan Roberts in MKS Będzin.

Rod September 6, 2016 - 3:44 pm

Dude… Pay attention. Rossard has been nominated. Look at 9th line above.

Flipflip September 6, 2016 - 3:48 pm

@Rod : he wat not here this morning and David Smith was 19th but he has disappeared with this new rank! 🙂


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