Home » POL M: Hidalgo – Muzaj duo unstoppable again! Jastrzebski conquer Szczecin

POL M: Hidalgo – Muzaj duo unstoppable again! Jastrzebski conquer Szczecin

by WoV

Jastrzebski Wegiel have continued playing good in domestic championship.

Jastrzebski vs. Espadon

Jastrzebski vs. Espadon

The team of Mark Lebedew have scored another victory. Now, after Asseco Resovia and PGE Skra Belchatow, Jastrzebski Wegiel beat Espadon Szczecin in four sets 3-1 (23-25, 25-23, 25-17, 25-15).

MuzajHidalgo duo was unstoppable again! Each scored 20 points, but they had a huge help from Damian Boruch who ended match with 16 points.

In home team, Danail Milushev had 18. 

After nine rounds in Plusliga, Jastrzebski have 7-2 score, while Espadon have one win out of eight games.


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