“Dmitriy Muserskiy is our most important and most dangerous weapon in the past six years. He is our Plan A, Plan B, Plan C…But, we showed maximum even without him. Someone like Maxim Mikhailov didn’t have time to get back into shape after an injury. We were well prepared, for me it was not difficult to play there…” says Tetyukhin.
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True champion admits that he needed other champion to help him and not giving excuses and stupid explenations like other younger Rus players
I agree with you, man!
@Sergey true, but i think muserskiy is not also in his tough form world cup and world league he just play ok. his service is not consistent. i think russia really need to start to form a team to play in tokyo 2020 if they want to have a good result not blaming others having foreign players.
No team, i repeat.. no team can beat this Russian team if Muserskiy and Tetyukhin are playing in full form.