Home » TUR W: OFFICIAL – Milena Rašić signed for VakifBank!

TUR W: OFFICIAL – Milena Rašić signed for VakifBank!

by WoV
source: Photo: VakifBank

Breaking news from Turkey! Milena Rašić is the new player of VakifBank!

Milena Rasic signs a contract

Milena Rasic signs a contract

Serbian middle blocker has signed a one-year deal with Istanbul giant.

“I have heard very good things about Turkey and I’m going to enjoy living here while playing for VakıfBank. As a team our aim will be to win all the trophies in all tournaments and will never settle with second place” said Rašić for the official webiste of VakifBank.

She also expressed that she is very happy to play in the same team together with Gözde Sonsırma who has always been extremely challenging for her.

“I have heard many good things about this place and I want my story to continue here. I want everyone that supports us to know that I will do my best in VakifBank.”

Milena Rašić comes from RC Cannes where she spent the last four seasons. This is the third major transfer for VakifBank, after Robin de Kruijf and Sheilla Castro


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Ali Y May 23, 2014 - 1:39 pm

Very good addition to the roster of Vakifbank, after Sheila. I congratulate Vakifbank manager Basak Koc, who was formerly a member of Galatasaray TV. I just do not understand why they have kept Costagrande. Apart from that, Vakifbank is really doing fine with releasing ineffective players and adding very strong players.

matthew May 23, 2014 - 5:27 pm

Vakif corrected the fault of sending Fürst away by bringing Rasic on the roster, might as well they fullfill it with one more spiker as the final attack


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