Home » TUR M: Estonian opposite to replace Rouzier in Ziraat

TUR M: Estonian opposite to replace Rouzier in Ziraat

by WoV
source: facebook.com/LZ-Sport-Pro; Photo: Facebook/Innsbrucki Hypo Tirol/ohtuleht.ee

Ziraat Bankası found a replacement for the French bomber Antonin Rouzier in Austria.



Oliver Venno, Estonian opposite, signed one+one contract with the Turkish team that will play in the next season’s Champions League, according to his managerial agency „LZSport Pro“.

Last season, he was a member of Austrian title holder Hypo Tirol Volleyballteam Innsbruck, being the third best scorer of the league with 353 points.

Venno is currently engaged in the European League representing the colors of Estonian national team that occupies the leading postion in its pool.


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