Nicholas Vogel
Vogel is a member of Friedrichshafen. In February he received the results from an echocardiogram done last year and they showed an issue with his heart that concerned doctors.
“It was not what I was prepared to hear,” Vogel said. “I was really motivated from last summer from working with John Speraw and Matt Fuerbringer. I have never felt better or jumped higher. It’s a shock that I have something so serious, but can’t feel it at all.”
USA head coach John Speraw said the team will miss Vogel:
“All of us at USA Volleyball are disappointed that Nick will no longer be with the team,” Speraw said. “His unfortunate early retirement was disappointing to all of us because we thought he had the potential to help our team. We’re glad he’s healthy and they were able to diagnose this before it became a more serious issue. In the long run, that’s more important than playing volleyball.”
Vogel will stay in Germany to support Friedrichshafen through the playoffs. The German team is leading its semifinal playoff series against SVG Lüneburg, 2-0 and looks to have a good chance of meeting the Berlin Recycling Volleys in the finals.
After that, Vogel will return to the United States to figure out what comes next.
“Coaching is something that I am interested in,” he said. “I’ve always loved looking at the game from a more intellectual standpoint. I also love school and I am excited to go to graduate school. I’m looking forward to spending time with my family and to a summer of doing things I’ve been missing.”
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