Home » What happens when street art and sport unite? Portrait of Kévin Tillie

What happens when street art and sport unite? Portrait of Kévin Tillie

by WoV
source: sports.vice.com; Photo: facebook.com/Team Yavbou

French Men’s Volleyball National Team member Kévin Tillie had the honor to be among several famous athletes from his country whose portraits were hand-drawn by ’C215’.



Famous French street artist Christian Guémy, alias C215, has drawn various portraits on the streets of Paris, Berlin, Istanbul, New York… mostly by using stencils. For example, he has drawn Michael Jackson, Barack Obama and Martin Luther King. Now, C215 has a new project – to draw portraits of French athletes on objects provided by them. He drew ex-football star Eric Cantona on his Manchester United jersey, or a deceased boxer Alexis Vastine on his striking bag… And he drew volleyball player Kévin Tillie on his French NT jersey!

The exhibition of C215’s portraites of athletes is held in the museum at „Allianz Riviera“ stadium in Nice, France, from February 10 to May 21.


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