Home » ECH M: The tiebreakers are back! Serbia advanced to quarterfinals!

ECH M: The tiebreakers are back! Serbia advanced to quarterfinals!

by WoV
source: Photo: cev.lu

From 0-2 to 3-2! Serbia made an epic comeback against Estonia and qualified for the quarterfinals at EuroVolley 2015!





Unbelievable match in Busto Arsizio! Estonia were two sets ahead of Serbia and just a step away from the biggest success in their history. But, Serbia made an epic comeback…

If you remember the last World League, this Serbian crew got a catchy nickname – The Tiebreakers – because they played three five-setters in a row at the Final Six and reached the big finals. This time, they once again managed to get out of a very difficult situation and to take the game with Estonia into the tie-break.

In the decisive set, Serbia escaped to 11:9, but Estonia answered back immediately and tied the score to 11:11. Still, boys led by Nikola Grbić continued to push forward, they had the lead at 12:11, 13:12… And then a simple mistake decided the winner. Estianian crew made a bad reception, their setter tried to reach the ball, but his hand was too much over the net – 14:12.

Nikola Kovačević made a service mistake for 14:13, but Aleksandar Atanasijević brought a win to Serbia. His strong spike bounced off the block and the ball landed out of bounds – 15:13, 3-2!

Serbia has therefore scheduled a big clash against France in the quarterfinals of EuroVolley. It will be a replay of the World League finals and t true volleyball classic. 


Game Date/Time Teams Set Result per set Stats Videos
1st game 13. 10. 2015 17:30 The Netherlands vs Slovenia 0:3 16:25; 19:25; 22:25    
2nd game 13. 10. 2015 17:30 Serbia vs Estonia 3:2 21:25, 14:25, 25:8, 25:22, 15:13     
3rd game 13. 10. 2015 20:30 Belgium vs Germany 0:0      
4th game 13. 10. 2015 20:30 Italy vs Finland 0:0      


To see standings, results, stats, videos, etc, visit our EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP 2015 M page.

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