Home » How to build weights-program

How to build weights-program

by WoV
source: Preparazione Fisica

The exercises' choice and programmation is essential in order to build a weight-program useful and high quality, both if it is for a young girl from the junior team or for a series A player, whose body can manage a different kind of weight.

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In order to build a good physical-work for the lasting of the whole agonistic season, the trainer must have well clear some important things, so that the training session can work. Analyzing carefully the scheme, we can notice that the most important thing is the work’s differentiation:

Indeed, knowing how to build a weight-program considering some different parameters (you can find the parameters listed down here), makes difference between a good work and a superficial one.


-player’s experience;

-player’s physical problem;

With no doubts, there can be much more variables, but at the same time it’s reasonable to think that the three parameters listed, can really make you improve the program`s quality.

Don’t forget, anyway, that the main part of a weight-program building directly regards the physical trainer:

-exercises’’ choice;

-series and repeats number;

-choice of the work to be developed;

-prevention and a good warm-up


PREVENTION AND WARM UP: Important and basic part of the program, in which the player has the first approach to the work that he will perform in the gym.

After performing a “first activation” on conveyor belt or bike, the player ends the warm up with a prevention-circuit, in which he will work on his zone “Core”, with specific attention on the joints (shoulders and knees) and then work on the proprioception.

The exercises choice: based on role, ability and physical problems. We can take example from the squat exercise, with different working angles for different roles, this because the middle blocker has specific needs different from libero’s needs.

Accurate explanation of the program, which the player will perform, without any misunderstanding.

SPECIFIC WORO FOR ANY PLAYER: Every player will have a specific program to perform, according to his general conditions and needs. Every player must train in a different way, as each player is different from any other one.

So his physical work must be differentiated. This kind of program requires time for the trainer, but it’s something that can make a difference for the player’s physical growing up.

Exercises’ choice and program-building: the exercises were chosen by the trainer so that the work can be complete and high-performing. Often, the exercises choice is also determined by external factors. Factors can be:

Available equipment, time, players’ number… in detail:

Having or not having equipment like proprioceptive items, free-weights, elastic equipment, medical balls, must be the guidelines in order to offer exercises which can be performed by the player in safety.

The program can be completed inserting: 5 exercises for lower limbs, 2 exercises for the back, 2 exercises for the chest, 1 exercise for the shoulders.

The choice of variables’ number is often determined by the available time.

It’s different if you can spend 90 minutes or 45 for your training. It’s easy to understand that you always need to propose weights-program according to the time available. Think that every repeat lasts about 2 seconds; if you multiply that time for the number of series you will understand the real training-time for the player. Add at that the recovery time between series and exercises and that’s it. Practically, there can’t be a program which lasts 60 minutes if you have just 45 minutes available.

Also, knowing the program’s lasting can be useful to check the player, who usually can also waste time and lose 20 minutes more or, maybe, he can do everything faster in order to go home before the right time.

At the end of any training-session, it’s important that the player performs an accurate stretching, for all the muscles involved in the practice. If the player goes directly on the court, to perform a technical session, this event can be postponed at the end of the training, but it’s important not to forget it.


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