MRI exams have shown that Polish player hasn’t damaged his spine after falling on the back in Saturday’s game against Iran.
“I am very relieved and glad that I can walk! When I felt the pain I was afraid that I will have to stay in hospital for a quite time and that this Championship is over for me. But, exams have shown that I only suffered a strong muscle contraction. So, it is not bad as it seemed at the first moment” said Winiarski for
He added that he will definitely miss the next game against France:
“I will not play, but I hope that guys can win without me and qualify for the third phase. I will be able to help them there.”
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Nice decision FIVB to allow organizator to create the game schedule protocol! For you is umportant to have so many games and to show to the world how full the gyms are! Have you thiught about the players and the possibility of getting injured if playing so many games in this 3 weeks?! Maye you shoul ask for advice FIBA or FIFA about how to organize good, quality and short championahip!!!! Untill then, every time you are going to have main volleyball stars injured during long volleyball competitions! But you are right, you don’t care. Somebody else will take place and for you it’s important to say that exp. 32 coutries player 123 games in 4 rounds in 12 different cities and 1389035 spectators from 45 different countries have watched the games…. Is it all about the numbers????