Home » Official volleyball rules PART 11: Playing format – to score a point

Official volleyball rules PART 11: Playing format – to score a point

by WoV
source: fivb.org

The basic rules for winning points in volleyball

Brazil - USA



6.1.1 Point

A team scores a point: by successfully grounding the ball on the opponent’s court; when the opponent team commits a fault; when the opponent team receives a penalty. 

6.1.2 Fault

A team commits a fault by making a playing action contrary to the rules (or by violating them in some other way). The referees judge the faultsand determine the consequences according to the rules: if two or more faults are committed successively, only the first one iscounted; if two or more faults are committed by opponents simultaneously, a DOUBLE FAULT is called and the rally is replayed.

6.1.3 Rally and completed rally

A rally is the sequence of playing actions from the moment of theservice hit by the server until the ball is out of play. A completed rallyis the sequence of playing actions which results in the award of apoint. This includes the award of a penalty and loss of service forserving faults out-with the time limit. If the serving team wins a rally, it scores a point and continues to serve. If the receiving team wins a rally, it scores a point and it must serve next.


PREVIOUS, PART 10: Participants – team leaders

NEXT, PART 12:  Playing format – to win a set and match


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