Home » Official volleyball rules PART 35: Referees – scorer

Official volleyball rules PART 35: Referees – scorer

by WoV
source: fivb.org

Besides the two main referees, in volleyball we also have a scorer, assistant scorer and line judges.

scorer table

scorer table



The scorer performs his/her functions seated at the scorer’s table on the opposite side of the court from and facing the 1st referee.


She/she keeps the score sheet according to the rules, co-operating with the 2nd referee.He/she uses a buzzer or other sound device to notify irregularities or give signals to the referees on the basis of his/her responsibilities.

25.2.1 Prior to the match and set, the scorer: registers the data of the match and teams, including the names and numbers of the Liberos, according to the procedures in force, and obtains the signatures of the captains and the coaches; records the starting line-up of each team from the line-up sheet. 

If he/she fails to receive the line-up sheets on time, he/she immediately notifies this fact to the 2nd referee.

25.2.2 During the match, the scorer: records the points scored; controls the serving order of each team and indicates any error to thereferees immediately after the service hit; is empowered to acknowledge and announce requests for player substitutions by use of the buzzer, controlling their number, and records the substitutions and time-outs, informing the 2nd referee; notifies the referees of a request for regular game interruption that is out of order; announces to the referees the ends of the sets, and the scoring of the 8th point in the deciding set; records misconduct warnings, sanctions and improper requests; records all other events as instructed by the 2nd referee, i.e. exceptional substitutions, recovery time, prolonged interruptions, external interference, re-designation, etc.; controls the interval between sets.

25.2.3 At the end of the match, the scorer: records the final result; in the case of protest, with the previous authorization of the 1st referee,writes or permits the team/game captain to write on the score sheet astatement on the incident being protested; signs the score sheet him/herself, before obtaining the signatures of the team captains and then the referees.

PREVIOUS, PART 34: Referees – 2nd referee

NEXT, PART 36: Referees – assistant scorer


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