Home » ARG: The voices of FEVA lecturers for Argentina courses

ARG: The voices of FEVA lecturers for Argentina courses

by WoV
source: feva.org.ar

On May 12th and 13th at the Argentine Volleyball Federation HQ there were working meeting dates for the National Technical Secretariat where all the Argentine lecturers in charge of courses, trainings and seminars worked to improve the training system. Each of them also left his ideas about the job done until now and about the meeting itself.



Ariel García: “We are making some changes asked by the different province federations with reference to the courses carried out at their prrovinces, over all heading towards the development of the practical part of them, with the idea of broadcasting more Volleyball all together and updating the national courses material“.

Jorge Bellendier: “Since the first National Federation until now I can see a great difference in democracy facts, when now all ideas are taken into consideration by the Sport Secretariat. Also, we need to update and renew the contents, to work in different areas, and following all the time the evaluations of each of the coaches.

For the last years we had a back and forth without stop, something it did not happen long ago and that helps, no doubt, the growth and improvement of the courses“.

Omar Grasso: “After many years I think that the FeVA, through out its National Technical Secretariat made effective a working system for all lecturers. Something serious, organized that has its good results. Any coach can make a course in every part of the country, with the same system and contents, learning exactly the same and that is very important that there are no differences between courses of the same level in any part of the country. We boost the same interest, development, motivation, training for all at the same stage“.

Alfredo Santori: “This is really a very good job, all doing, learning and teaching towards the same goals since the year 2004 and it has proved very positive. The idea to have the same volleyball language all over the country is very satisfying and the chance to teach it to all country coaches even more“.

Darío Hilmar López: “Until last year I was coach delegate and this year I start as national lecturer. That the courses are being update every year is very positive“.

Roberto Alós: “It is the first time I participate of such a meeting and I am satisfied with its result. To talk among us and learn and update the courses is very important for all coaches in the country”.

Luis Testa: “This is very important because it allows us to be updated always and be able to broadcast volleyball to all coaches so as to have every day more people that talk the same language”.

Cristian Ventura: “The work is being carried out perfectly. We meet to make some adjustments on the new handooks, prokects and courses. We are very motivated and preparing ourselves for the rest of the year to keep giving every time more courses for those that want to learn and improve on their daily job”.

Alejandro Gallardo: “It a great project, very positive. Always looking forward to improving the courses. It is a daily job that is giving good results”.

Ernesto Devia: “Very positive that we can gather and exchange ideas. It helps to broadcast volleyball in our country and to get new and better coaches that teach the same all over the country“.

Roque Guevara: “Outstanding job. Very good and making the utmost so that all our lecturers are updated and speak the same volleyball lenguage. All coaches will receive the same path no matter where they learn in the country and that is very important”.

Rodolfo Quirós: “I believe we are working good supervising the courses and updating what we teach in the whole country. We learn year after year to improve what we teach and not always have the chance to meet all together and learn from each other experience. We learn from the opinion and ideas of each. It is very important“.

Daniel Tarando: “We are working hard to get each corner of our country the same path and volleyball lenguage and that is very important as there are some regions that did not teach the same. These meetings are great and we listen to each other and learn every day more“.

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