Home » ARG: FEVA supports Ary Graca candidacy as FIVB president

ARG: FEVA supports Ary Graca candidacy as FIVB president

by WoV
source: feva.org.ar

Through out an official communication, the Argentine Volleyball Federation (FeVA) expressed its unconditional support to Dr. Ary Graça - actual CSV President - candidacy to the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) Presidency. The Argentine entity in charge of all Argentine Volleyball (indoor and beach), headed by Juan Antonio Gutiérrez, issued last Thursday, June 21st a note supporting the Brazilian Volleyball leader.


Ary Graca

Following here, the exact official communication signed by FeVA‘s President, Gutiérrez and FeVA’s secretary, Lic. Gabriel Salvia:

The Argentine Volleyball Federation is pleased to expressed its unconditional support to Dr.Graca candidacy for the Presidency of the the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB).

Taking into account his background, his experience and the work done along all these years, we feel he represents us and we believe that his work heading the International Volleyball Federation will result in a great development of World Volleyball.

There is no need to add that we will work together and help from our region, to the growth of our loved sport“.    

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