Home » ARG W: The A1 Argentine seniors’ women league 2012/13 has its new formula

ARG W: The A1 Argentine seniors’ women league 2012/13 has its new formula

by WoV
source: feva.org.ar

The A1 Seniors' Women Argentine League, the most important countries' competition for women teams looks forward to province development with the goal of making it very federative. The same has already its formula for the 2012/13 season with the joint work of the Argentine Volleyball Federation (FEVA) and the Argentine Volleyball Teams League Association (ACLAV).



The comptition will be divided in three phases. The first one will take place at Regional phase with teams of the same region competing among them (it can be of more than one region) to obtain one of the vacant places that belongs to them. The 24 qualified teams will qualify for the second phase as follows:

Metropolitan: 4 teams (Boca Juniors as champion of the last season is already qualified)
Buenos Aires province: 3 teams
Santa Fe: 4 teams
Córdoba: 3 teams
Entre Ríos: 2 teams
Cuyo: 2 teams
NOA: 2 teams
NEA: 2 teams
Patagonia: 2 teams

In the second phase these 24 teams will be divided in six pools playing round robin – all against all – in each four teams pool. The top two teams of each pool and the best three third teams will qualify for the third phase that includes a total of 15 teams.

Finally, these 15 teams and the Seniors’ Argentine Team, will participate of Grand Prix, divided in four pools of four teams each, exchanging the rivals on each weekend. After the four weekends the best four teams on a general standing will participate of the Final Round.

The Champion of the Argentine Seniors’ Women League 2012/13 will come out of the Super 4 that will face the first ranked team with the fourth and the second and third in two semi-finals first with the winners of them playing for the title.

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