Buenos Aires Unidos
Personal Bolivar with Suxho and Giba also maintains unbeaten, they win 3-1 on the field of PSM.
In other matches of the night wins for Formosa and Boca.
Week 4. Results December 1
UPCN San Juan Voley Club – Buenos Aires Unidos 1-3 (25-19, 21-25, 21-25, 23-25)
Top Scorer: Evandro Guerra 28, Ramos 12, Bengolea 12, Olteanu 9; Milinkovic 15, Marquez 15, Radtke 14, Samica 12.
PSM Voley – Personal Bolivar 1-3 (25-20, 23-25, 17-25, 30-32)
Top Scorer: Castellani 25, Viller 13, Zanotti 11, Riganti 7, Blanco Costa 7; Dennis 29, Giba 15, Arroyo 8, Filardi 8.
La Union de Formosa – UNTREF Voley 3-1 (22-25, 25-18, 25-22, 25-22)
Top Scorer: Moreno 20, Scholtis 15, Patti 9, Spajic 8; F.Imhoff 20, De Paula 14, Giani 10, Aschemacher 9.
Sarmiento Santana Textiles – Boca Rio Uruguay Seguros 0-3 (26-28, 22-25, 22-25)
Top Scorer: Giustiniano 16, Darraidou 14, Massinatori 9, Poglajen 7; Bonini 18, Miguel Garcia 11, Armesto 10, G.Romanutti 4.
Buenos Aires Unidos 18 (6-0)
Boca Rio Uruguay Seguros 16 (5-3)
Personal Bolivar 14 (5-0)
Sarmiento Santana Textiles 12 (4-2)
San Juan UPCN Voley Club 11 (4-2)
The Union de Formosa 11 (4-2)
UNTREF Voley 8 (3-5)
Gigantes del Sur 3 (1-5)
PSM Voley 3 (0-7)
Olimpo de Bahia Blanca 0 (0-6)
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