Home » WL: Rezende has chosen 14 players for the F6 (LIST)

WL: Rezende has chosen 14 players for the F6 (LIST)

by WoV
source: sportowefakty.pl; Photo: fivb.org

Bernardo Rezende has announced the names of the 14 players which will play for Brazil at the World League Final-Six in Rio de Janeiro.




Rezende probably had the most doubts about the position of the second setter and the second opposite, but he eventually chose Willam Arjona and Evandro Guerra instead of Raphael de Oliveira and Leandro Vissotto.

Take a look at the full list.

Setters: Bruno Rezende, William Arjona.

Opposites: Wallace De Souza, Evandro Guerra.

Middle Blockers: Lucas Saatkamp, Isac Santos, Eder Carbonera, Riad Ribeiro.

Receivers: Ricardo Lucarelli, Murilo Endres, Felipe Fonteles, Lucas Loh.

Libero: Sergio Dutra Santos, Mario Da Silva Pedreira Junior.


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