Home » RIO 2016: Renovation of „Maracanãzinho” nearly completed

RIO 2016: Renovation of „Maracanãzinho” nearly completed

by WoV
source: globoesporte.globo.com; Photo: Rogério Santana/Seelje/globoesporte.globo.com

Renovation of „Maracanãzinho”, one of the most important venues for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, is close to being completed.



Renovation has started in March and the biggest concern was the recovery of the roof, which will get a heavier electronic scoreboard than the previous. Old waterproof cover was dry, rotted and was falling apart. The intervention turned out to be simpler than expected so already next week, it will be done.

The installation of a new scoreboard will start in mid-July and the entire renovation will be completed by July 24, when the gymnasium will be opened for the first training of the national teams.

The volleyball tournament at Rio Olympics will be held on August 6-21.


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