Home » BRA W: Tifanny victim of homophobic slurs by rival’s fans in Superliga

BRA W: Tifanny victim of homophobic slurs by rival’s fans in Superliga

by WoV
source: esportesmais.com.br; Photo: watermarkonline.com

The Brazilian volleyball player Tifanny Abreu from Vôlei Bauru showed so many times that she does not care what others think regarding the fact that she was allowed to compete in the Women’s volleyball.



While playing in Italy last season, Tifanny, the first transgender player in the Brazilian Women’s Volleyball Championship Superliga, was targeted by her opponents because of a sex change that allowed her to compete in the female competition. Similar things happened to her after she returned to her home country for the 2017/18. But now, for the first time, she became the victim of the rival’s fans.

„Esportes Mais“ reported that some of Fluminense F.C. supporters in the stands shouted „transvestite“ to her in a game that was played three days ago and in which Fluminense beat Bauru ba y 3-2. Tifanny did not allow homophobic slurs by the fans to disrupt her as she made 30 points.

She also had to deal with a statement of the Brazilian Women’s volleyball legend Ana Paula Rodrigues Henkel (maiden name Connelly).


„Most of the players think it’s not fair that transgender play with women. And it’s not fair. A body was built up with testosterone throughout life. It’s not prejudice, it’s physiology. Why not make a female selection with only transgender players? They would be unbeatable,“ a three-time World Grand Prix winner and 1996 Atlanta Olympics bronze medalist wrote on Twitter.


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Bruno December 26, 2017 - 9:40 am

Fake news! The player told after the match that she/he could not hear anything.


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