Samuele Tuia
Although he has not been selected by the head coach Laurent Tillie to start preparing for the European Championship (20-29 September in Denmark and Poland), Samuele Tuia will find himself on the “blues” training on Monday in Cannes.
The future spiker of Belchatow (Poland) has been recalled after experiencing the two-week course of rehabilitation in Montpellier.
Three attacking players, opposites Antonin Rouzier and Marien Moreau and spiker Nicolas Maréchal have also passed various examinations at the end of last week.
The squad of seventeen members will be reduced to fourteen on Thursday before leaving to Bulgaria, where France will play the first two of their six matches in preparations. After that, they will play a match against Canada and three against the Netherlands.
Wide list of French team: Toniutti, Redwitz, Hardy-Dessources, Laffite, Le Goff, Le Roux, Aguenier, Moreau, Rouzier, Sibide, Ngapeth, Lyneel, Maréchal, Tillie, Tuia, Exiga, Grebennikov.
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See the profile of the national team of France and Tuia.