President Piero Garbellotto is 32, vicepresident Pietro Maschio is 28, general manager Claudio Busato is 24, and the coach Marco Gaspari just turned 30.
“To start a whole new project in a company newly formed, and the average age of the leaders is 27 years, it was certainly an exciting adventure. It has proved so far a good path, a lot of people believed in us, although this formula was “green”” Claudio Busato said.
“We are young, but there is no shortage of ideas and vision. We were able to count on more than 80 companies as sponsors at various levels that support the work of the team, we have an audience beyond expectation to Palaverde (3200 average, peaks of 4600, record in the league), we work with all kinds of initiatives in the social sector and various associations, each game we invite dozens of companies in the area and the response is excellent. Our plan is to motivate children to play volleyball” Busato finished.
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