Best scorers of 22nd round
1. Giulio Sabbi (Lube Treia) 25 points
2. Saša Starović (Top Volley Latina) 24 points
3. Hristo Zlatanov (Copra Piacenza) 24 points
4. Raydel Romero Poey (Copra Piacenza) 23 points
5. Klemen Čebulj (CMC Ravenna) 19 points
6. Tine Urnaut (Top Volley Latina) 19 points
7. Nemanja Petrić (Modena) 17 points
8. Mattia Rosso (Tanazzo Padova) 16 points
9. Aleksandar Atanasijević (Sir Safety Perugia) 16 points
10. Maurice Armando Torres (Exprivia Molfetta) 16 points.
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