Home » Speraw – “We would have protested on 7 subs of Italy if we had lost the game”

Speraw – “We would have protested on 7 subs of Italy if we had lost the game”

by WoV
source: Photo: fivb.org

Volleyball rules are clear - every team can make 6 substitutions per set. But, Italy somehow managed to make 7 in the third set against USA!



If you watched the third set between Italy and USA you could see that Gianlorenzo Blengini made 7 substitutions – 1) AntonovJuantorena; 2) VettoriZaytsev; 3) ZaytsevVettori; 4) MassariAnzani; 5) AnzaniMassari; 6) SabbiPiano; 7) PianoSabbi! It is not clear how the refs made such a mistake to allow Italy make 7 subs, but the explanation might be found in printed version of game stats where there is no record of Oleg Antonov replacing Osmany Juantorena!

Anyway, even the USA head coach John Speraw said that he noticed the mistake during the set:

“We would have protested (on Italy’s seven substitutions in the 3rd set) if we had not won the set. But I’m not exactly sure what would that mean. There was an odd tempo of the match at the end. We were able to score at the end and it worked out” said Speraw.

But what would have happened if Italy had won that set and if USA had complained about the mistake? Leave a comment and give us your opinion. 


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Axe September 12, 2015 - 6:30 pm

Nothing would have happened, like always!


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