Giants played well only in first set,
This second defeat for Gigantes towards the chance of this team for finals.
Hosts maintained great game in the first set, with Matias Macor as best player.
In second set Formosa began to work better on offense and kept advance in two technical time outs. Formosa won after error by Santos.
Third set saw complete domination of Formosa.
Fourth set was most intense. Lucas Ocampo closed the match
Gigantes del Sur: Camilo Soto, Martín Hernández, Javier Dantas, Matthias MARCORA, Maurice Ville, Emmnuel Espinosa, Gaston Mujica (L). DT: Alexander Grossi. Entered: Ezekiel Sorgue, Mauricio Santos, Alejandro Arias, Luciano Zornetta.
La Union Formosa: Juan Aramburu, Sholtis Gustavo, Alejandro Spajic, Javier Sanchez, Patti Leonard, Lucas Ocampo, Franco Massimino (L). DT: Martin Lopez. Entered: Ezequiel Palacios, Pablo Peralta.
Referees: Daniel Amaya and Roberto Muñoz.
Arena: Ruca Che